Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I love that my oldest daughter "Olivia" still loves to play with dolls.  She is nearly 10 years old and her favorite toy to play with is her "Loving Family Dollhouse" which she saved up and bought with her own money.  When she asked me for a dollhouse I thought oh goodness she is not going to want to play with this for very long.  She purchased it last May and she still gets it out nearly every day.  For Christmas we got her some accessories and even my mom said "is this for baby  Amelia"?  LOL!!!  Nope, that's for Olivia and she is going to love it!!  I am so proud of my big girl!!!  Last night we were looking up classes that she can take at the "Y" and she is interested in the babysitting one.  I can't even believe that I have a daughter old enough to take a babysitting class!!!  She is so excited about it and is so good with her baby sister.  I was surprised this morning when she took Amelia to have her diaper changed and got her dressed.  My oh my time sure goes by quickly!!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012


So, I am finally admitting that we are going to put our house up for sale.  *sigh* There I said it.  I was in denial for several months especially since we built our home 8 years ago and simply LOVE it here.  I love the lake and I love the woods in the back.  Our baby girl was born at home here and I have watched our girls have so much fun playing in the snow and swimming in the lake.  We decided a few months back that it would "make sense" for us to get closer to where Rich works and the christian school that our girls attend.  I love being home all day, but also feel guilty making everyone else travel so much.  So we already had someone ask about our home and it's not even on the market yet.  I dont' know how I am ever going to get it clean enough for someone to view it.  My goodness it's hard to organize EVERYTHING!!!  EEK.  The plan is that by spring we will be moving into a rental property until  my hubby builds us a new  home.  This is a lot to gear up for since I have moved so many times before.  In the meantime I will be seeing a Lymes specialist to see if my icky bugs are all cleared up.  I like to think they are, but the numbness in my right arm and pain in my  hand may be telling me differently.  I am going to keep my head up high and get ready for the next journey in life.  I have learned that life is certainly a journey and with God on my side I can get through it. 

Before you know it spring will be here and the new clothing lines have all ready been coming to be photographed!!  I simply LOVE to photograph clothing!!!  I gives me a great excuse to photograph our little girlies and in such beautiful clothing!!!  I am so thankful to all the designers that have been sending their treasures my way.  Such a blessing!!!  Thank you!!!!

I will keep you posted as to where we are going, but until then I will be traveling on this new journey in life.  It's gonna be great!!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Tea Time!

Amelia and I had such a fun day today!!  After all the laundry was folded, put away, dishes were done, and bedrooms were straighted up we thought it would be fun to have a little tea party.  Miss Amelia likes to bake in addition to having tea so we also made a fun cake and just relaxed together.  Sock Monkey was able to join her for just a bit and then she decided to push him away and enjoy all the tea for herself!! LOL!!!  I just LOVE being a stay at home mommy.  (or should I say work at home mommy).

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Yippee it's snowing today!!!!!!  Well, it is January 1st so we assumed it would have started snowing weeks ago.  The girls have one day left of their winter break and we joked that it would snow on their last day.  HA!!!  They got new sleds for Christmas and would really like to start using them, so we will see what the weather brings for tomorrow.  It was so sweet this morning when Miss Amelia looked out her window and started pointing and shouting "SNOW" so when I said do you want to go outside???  She was like an excited puppy running for the door.  The cool air took her breath away and she just loved it.  She stood in one spot just totally amazed at it.  Here are a couple pictures I captured of her in her enjoyment.