Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Flowers everywhere!!!!

I had so much fun going to our local apple orchard today to shoot some super pics with my great photographer friends.  I love this orchard, they are the nicest people.  I have been going for 9 years now and get so excited about our 1 week a year of beautiful blossoming flowers.  Today we were remembering that 1 year ago I had a big mama baby belly and this year we have our beautiful little Amelia.  The picture I am posting was taken by my great friend Stacy, she does such a great job!!!  I simply LOVE her!  We are going back again this week to get some fun images with my friend Jennifer as well, because if any of you remember we were pregnant together and did some supercute shots on our vintage bikes.  Here is a quick peek of me and miss Amelia from this afternoon.  More to come...

Sunday, May 22, 2011


I am so excited to post that we are seeing huge improvements in our 7 1/2 year old Claudia.  After finding out about her tummy infections several weeks ago we changed her diet and have her taking several supplements.  (very yucky I must add).  Within a short time her eyes lit up and her dark circles started to dissapear.  I thought we need to get a special outfit for Miss Claudia and do a fun photo shoot.  I never knew why her eyes were so dark when I was proofing pictures of her in the past and had  no idea she was allergic to so many foods because of what was going on inside. Here is one of our bright eyed little beauty from today.  I would love to write more, but my tired eyes just are not letting me.  LOL!!