I am sitting here in the studio looking at old pictures of my girls just thinking about how fast time is going by. I can't believe that my baby is going to be 3 years old next month. I love to see them grow, but it also makes me a bit sad. I love to hold my babies in my arms and wish it could last forever.
I remember so many nights lifting the girls out of their cribs just holding them and having tears roll down my cheeks because I was so thankful for them. It's getting a little bit harder to hold them on the rocking chair since their legs go over the edge, but I am still able to snuggle them in their beds. I have decided that I am going to spend more time with them and watch them grow. In years past I worked so much and am now realizing that is not what's important. The more I worked, the more stuff I would end up buying and the "stuff" never made me happy. My family is what makes me happy. I am so glad that Rich found his niche in real estate, he loves to help people and we love having him around home more often. We realized that it is not worth it to work your life away - for what? A big fat paycheck that get's spent on more "stuff"?
I love to sit back and look at all the pictures of the girls (and I have a LOT). I have never regretted taking too many, because they change so quickly. One bit of advice I have is Print them out!!! Don't let them sit on your computer because you never know when it is going to crash, or you may forget about those pictures.
It's funny when someone tells you to enjoy your children now because they grow up fast and you kind of smile and them and say "ok". until one day it hits you that "oh, my gosh"!! Where has time gone? Why didn't I enjoy them more????
Hug your babies today before they are too big!!