Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Merry Christmas!
This has been one of the most wonderful Christmases that our family has ever had!!! For the first time in 9 years I took off the entire month of December, despite the fact that it is one of the most profitable months of the year. I really wanted to spend time with the family and not biting my nails on Christmas Eve waiting for someones order to arrive. We had such a great time making cookies, candy and playing with lots of toys. I was able to take my time decorating the tree and reading books to the girls while we admired it. I am looking forward to developing wonderful relationships with all of our 4 little girlies!! Remember to hug your little ones and tell them how much you love them - often!!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Life can be crazy
Well, I bet I could be the worst blogger ever!!! And the silly thing is that I really like to do it!!! Life sure has had it's share of craziness lately. In September my life changed a bit when I got bit by a mosquito in my backyard and that darn bite never healed up. While on a shoot with my friend "Stacy" she noticed my big honkin bite and asked what it was. Being that it was on my back I had kind of forgotton about it and didn't think a lot of it. Well, the next day it had a bulls eye ring around it and everything started to go downhill from there. A few weeks later I was diagnosed with Lymes Disease. I was in such denial that I could have gotton Lymes from a mosquito!!! So many crazy things were happening to me though like during a photo session my foot swelled up and turned purple for no reason!!! Then my right thumb started to hurt and my arm went numb. After having my legs go numb for several days I thought I better get this looked at. Well, my assumption was that I would take some antibiotics and life would go on as usual. Ummmmmmm, not so much. I had several days where I could not get out of bed because I hurt so bad and was sooooo tired. I could sleep for 7 hours during the day!!!!! Who has time for that with 4 small children and a coming into the busy photography season??????? Certainly not me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I pushed it as long as I could and then I had to start cancelling shoots and get some rest. I simply could not get better. Then after about 6 weeks of hell my pastor decides to spring it on me at church one Sunday that he would like to have everyone at church pray over me. YES!!! I will take that!!! He has never done that before, but felt totally led to do it during that service. This was after I could not get myself out of bed for 7 days. During the service I felt really HOT and the next day my pain was GONE!!!!!! It was a miracle!!!!! Praise God!!!!! I have felt well since that day a few weeks ago. I have a very strong Faith in God, and yes in the back of my mind I do question....is it going to come back???? I now have to get re-tested for Lymes and also any co-infections that I may have contracted from that darn bug. The part that makes me a little sad is that I also have to get my baby Amelia tested because I was nursing at the time and there is talk that it can pass t hrough breast milk. EEK!!! I will never forget that horrible night when I had to start treatment and also stop nursing all at once. Talk about emotions running wild!!! Man oh man, that was tough. Makes us who we are today though. After going through all that I am ready for my big blessing, I know that God has big things in store for us. If we remain faithful in Him no matter what is thrown at us he will send so many great things our way we won't know what to do with all of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They have already begun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Senior Session - BLAST!!!
I had SOOOOO much fun shooting Miriam's senior pictures last week!!! The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day!! She was so excited to drive out to her favorite apple orchard so we made arrangements and hopped in the car for a fun adventure. Since I am a bit ADD I simply could not just drive straight there, we found some fun walls to shoot by and of course had to stop for a coffee. We found the cutest coffee shop in a small town not far from my home. I would like to visit them again. :) I could not believe that Miriam brought this awesome bike with her!!! She rides this around and I LOVE it!! I just had to jump on and ride it around a bit before letting her have her pictures taken on it!! LOL!!!! Good thing she was getting her pictures taken because I was not looking too lovely!! Hee hee!!!
Now that my kiddos are back in school (3 of them anyway), I need to get crackin and get these pictures proofed. I have been overshooting lately since I have been having so much fun!!! Thanks Miriam and your Wonderful mother for making my session such a blast!!! So fun to work with them!!!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Amelia's birthday
Now that it has been a month since Miss Amelia's first birthday I thought it was time to post a couple pictures. I have been busy enjoying spending time with our 4 girlies this summer so blogging has been on the back burner. I don't know how so many people have time to blog everything and post so many pictures, time goes by so quickly that I am working out a balance of getting everything done. I have limited my shooting hours this summer and am so thankful that I have. In years past I was so busy that I would look at the girls and think "where did that summer go"? Someone once said to me, you really only have 16 summers with your children and then they are so busy with friends and work. Well, Oh goodness I better enjoy what is left since Miss Olivia is 9 already and before I know it she will be off to college. My goal this summer is to work enough to pay for the girls christian school. It's quite a commitment, but also so worth it. I still have a ways to go so if you know anyone debating a session please send them my way and I would truly appreciate it!!! Enjoy the few pics of Miss Amelia and I will really try to post more later!!!! LOTS OF LOVE!!!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Summer Sessions
Summer sessions are in full swing even if the weather is not. I just LOVE shooting high school seniors, they come with their fun clothing and creative energy. It's a time where we can jump in the car and see where we feel led to go. I don't usually plan their session until they arrive and often times will stop the car because I see something new - funny how I didn't see it the day before. As the lighting changes things start to look different and clothing just looks great with different colored doors and backdrops. Here are some recent shots of "Danielle", she is so beautiful and I had a great time working with her and her family. It seems like yesterday I was photographing her brothers senior pictures - where on earth does time go???? I love when families come back as each child grows older.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Flowers everywhere!!!!
I had so much fun going to our local apple orchard today to shoot some super pics with my great photographer friends. I love this orchard, they are the nicest people. I have been going for 9 years now and get so excited about our 1 week a year of beautiful blossoming flowers. Today we were remembering that 1 year ago I had a big mama baby belly and this year we have our beautiful little Amelia. The picture I am posting was taken by my great friend Stacy, she does such a great job!!! I simply LOVE her! We are going back again this week to get some fun images with my friend Jennifer as well, because if any of you remember we were pregnant together and did some supercute shots on our vintage bikes. Here is a quick peek of me and miss Amelia from this afternoon. More to come...
Sunday, May 22, 2011
I am so excited to post that we are seeing huge improvements in our 7 1/2 year old Claudia. After finding out about her tummy infections several weeks ago we changed her diet and have her taking several supplements. (very yucky I must add). Within a short time her eyes lit up and her dark circles started to dissapear. I thought we need to get a special outfit for Miss Claudia and do a fun photo shoot. I never knew why her eyes were so dark when I was proofing pictures of her in the past and had no idea she was allergic to so many foods because of what was going on inside. Here is one of our bright eyed little beauty from today. I would love to write more, but my tired eyes just are not letting me. LOL!!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Seeing the light
We are finally seeing the light with all the struggles we have had with our seven year old daughter "Claudia". For the past 7 years she has had a tough time with so many things. She could not focus, did not understand what you were asking her to do, would often scream and most times would say "my tummy is making me do it". We never understood what that meant, we thought her tummy hurt because she was feeling nervous. When we started to see a lot of sensory issues such as not wanting to wear certain clothing and then screaming that her hands felt sticky we knew something else was up. We assumed she had Sensory Processing Disorder after working with an Occupational Therapist. We started to see a chiropractor to help with her nervous system and it did make her feel better for a while, but when we had to stop seeing her because it just did not work into our budget anymore she completely fell apart. Over the past 6 months Claudia started to go down hill FAST. Mentally she was really struggling and I knew that something neurologically was not right. At times I wanted to check her into a hospital or myself into a mental ward. It was very hard on the family to listen to her screaming ALL the time. No one wanted to watch her or take her places because it was just too hard. It completely broke my heart. Well, I finally had an answer to prayer and met Dr. Flynn in Green Bay who knew exactly what was going on and while we waited for the test results to come back he put her on 4 supplements and we changed her diet. We have seen huge improvement and she is actually able to sit down and read with me. Yesterday afternoon we got the test results back and poor Claudia has very nasty infections all throughout her intestines, and we don't know how long they have been there. She is very inflamed and her body is not absorbing any nutrients - the bugs in her tummy are getting it all. Her immune system is compromised and her ph balance is very low. I am so thankful to have some answers and am thrilled to be getting some meds to start the healing process. We are praying that God will provide the resources needed to continue getting her the help she needs as this all came together at a time when we have no health insurance. You do what you have to do for your little ones though. I am planning to take on more sessions so that I can help cover medical expenses as I know it will be worth it in the end. I am so thankful for her smiling face and am thrilled by how often I am hearing "I love you mommy" these days. I can't wait for my little girl to feel like a happy little girl!!!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
9 years later
I can't believe our little Olivia just turned 9 years old last week. It seems like yesterday I was pregnant with her and I looked at people with 9 year olds like they were in a whole different league than me. I was going to have a newborn!!! Now here we are 9 years later and we have 4 little girlies. WOW!!! Who would have thought. It also occured to me that in only 9 more years she could be going off to college and there is that chance she could move away and start her own life. Oh my, when I mentioned this one to Rich it just blew his mind. We had to sit down and have a long talk about what is important to us and what we want to do with our girls before they are all grown up. Life is too short to worry about how clean your house - it just doesn't matter. I don't want to spend my nights rushing around from one thing to the next or each morning yelling "let's get going you are going to have another tardy"!!! My focus is to have peace in our home and family. I want to take the time at night to get the house put back together, make sure lunches are packed, clothes are layed out and in the morning have some time with them no yelling. We did this today and our girls were so much happier. Tonight instead of plopping on the couch I went outside and played with them and really looked at them in the eyes. We ended the night reading a chapter book and drinking tea. I like days like this because I can go to bed feeling good about being a mommy. I know every day won't be like this, but I would really like there to be more of them. That's what I want our girls to remember. I want to smile more and enjoy every moment.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Sweet Funky Vintage
I am so excited about the trunk show that we will be having here at Kimberly V Photography next Thursday afternoon. I am just setting up the display for Sweet Funky Vintage and the clothing is ADORABLE!! They have supercute boy outfits, girls and also ladies. Finally some cute boy things for those parents always searching for a little man outfit that is supercute! I decided to try something different this time...when you come to the trunk show feel free to bring your kiddos and I will take their picture wearing the clothing for FREE!!!! How cool is that?????? I figure if you are coming to try things on anyway you may as well get a nice picture. I am attaching the flyer for you all to peek at and I will need to know that you are coming so I can be better prepared. If for some crazy reason you just cannot make it on Thursday, but would REALLY like to see these treasure send me a message and I will arrange for a private showing.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
Heavenly Newborn
Oh how I simply love these newborn pics of baby Avery!!! I was quite confident we were done having babies until this little angel came to see me this week. Her mom and I had such a great time posing her into this position with lots of giggles and patience we accomplished it!!! I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!!!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Final product from video
Shooting in Denver
We just got back from Denver where we had a GREAT time shooting some clothing lines and visiting Uncle Matt. I spent the day shooting with my good friend Kim Larson - she is AWESOME!! It was sunny and warm and we had a great time walking around the city looking for brightly colored walls and fun textures to use as backdrops. We thought it would be fun to bring along the flip video so we could share with you what goes on while trying to photograph young children. :) These are 2 of my girls Olivia and Naomi modeling some new pieces from Gocks Frocks. (while baby Amelia watches and cheers us on from her stroller) This is my first time loading a video so please let me know if it works!!! I am also attaching the image we created during this shoot. Enjoy!!!
Monday, March 14, 2011
La Couture Amore
I just finished up a shoot for La Couture Amore. Check her out on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/La-Couture-Amore/129203460471687 We had SOOOOO much fun, these outfits she sent were pure JOY!!! My girls had a blast putting on these fun skirts and crazy fun hair accessories. I could't even sleep the night before because my wheels were turning as to how I was going to shoot them. I decided to rearrange my bedroom since I have wonderful afternoon light that comes through. My hubby was enjoying having to move our very heavy king size bed and bring baby Amelia's dresser in. LOL!! It was so worth it though - I just LOVE these pics!!!! Stephanie has been the most FABULOUS person to work with as well - I just LOVE her!!! Stroll over to her page and check out her treasures!!!
Friday, March 11, 2011
It wasn't that long ago when I wrote down my dream...to shoot a clothing catalog. After reading a book on making your dreams come true I got inspired and just had to do this. Well, only a few months later I am so excited to say I just completed my first catalog!!!!! Last night I finished shooting the picture for the back cover and today while Amelia was napping I was able to finish desgning the very last page!!!!!! The catalog is for Jessiegirlclothing and the dresses and skirts are ADORABLE!!! Feel free to contact Vicki to get your own copy!!! It went to the printer today so it should not be too long and she will be mailing them out.
Oh, and also I received the most WONDERFUL package in the mail today from http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/La-Couture-Amore/129203460471687 and I am in just awe!! It is the most exciting package of goodies I have ever seen!!! My wheels are just spinning coming up with different ideas of how to set everything up - think shabby chic/vintage!!! I can't wait to share more!!!!!
Here is a sneak peek of the cover for the Jessiegirlclothing catalog...
Oh, and also I received the most WONDERFUL package in the mail today from http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/La-Couture-Amore/129203460471687 and I am in just awe!! It is the most exciting package of goodies I have ever seen!!! My wheels are just spinning coming up with different ideas of how to set everything up - think shabby chic/vintage!!! I can't wait to share more!!!!!
Here is a sneak peek of the cover for the Jessiegirlclothing catalog...
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Spring is coming!!!
I was starting to get really excited about spring and then we got 5 inches of snow today!!! Oh goodness I need things to warm up so I can get outdoors to do some shooting. We are heading to Denver, CO next week and so I am thrilled to have some sunshine and warmer weather. The past couple of weeks I have been working on the new spring catalog for Jessiegirlclothing that should be finished up in just a few days. Last night we shot the cover photo and I later realized my little Naomi had a fever!! Such a sport, she was still smiling so she could get ice cream. I explained that we had to put the ice cream on hold until she was feeling a bit better. The other girls had no problem jumping in and filling their bowls though. I will be sure to post some pics of the catalog, but in the meantime here is what we are looking at for the cover possibly...
Saturday, February 19, 2011
New Location!!!
I love when I find a new location to shoot where no one else has been. A friend of ours from church had some old treasures behind his place and is willing to let us take some fun images there. I think this will be perfect when it warms up a bit to bring out some baskets of fresh flowers. Today it was 29 degrees, but we wanted to check it out before the 13 inches of snow come our way - yikes!!! Claudia was quite a trooper to let me take these pics, I just had to pay her $1 per outfit. Quite a bargin. :)
Friday, February 18, 2011
Sister Love
I just love how much our girls love each other. It's amazing how much joy baby Amelia has brought into our family. Everyone loves to spend time with her and helps out so much. I was worried about having a 4th child and how hard it would be, its wonderful!!! She gets so excited when they walk in the door after school and everyone runs to hug and snuggle her. Such a gift.
Here is one of Claudia that I just loved. She has such pretty eyes when she smiles. She is so full of compassion and LOTS of energy. A total night owl like her mommy. :)
Now, that it's February I am finally looking through some pics of my own girls from last October that I had shot for our Christmas card. It's fun when I finally have a little time to sit and look their smiling faces. It's like opening a gift when I can go through files and really look at the images of them. I have been really focusing on family lately, that is what's important to us. We are really digging in and making changes to help us get even closer. One recent change we have done is eliminating television from our home. I thought this would be really hard, but it wasn't that bad and it was one of the best things we have done. We all have more time to play and relax and don't get stuck in the trap. Even a few minutes in the morning of watching the news could really slow down our day. I LOVE it!!! Here is a picture of Naomi from the day we did our Christmas pics, I am sure I will post more of all the girls as the night goes on. Not sure how long I will stay on the computer as I have made chocolate chip cookies and I may want to dive into those soon. :)
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
I had to post this picture of Claudia sporting a new dress from Jessiegirlclothing's spring line because I just love her expression. She has a hard time ever standing still and she looks so serene here. I am also loving this new hair pretty from Simply Glam. They make some super cute unique looking hair accessories at resonable prices. The ladies there are very nice to work with as well which makes my job super fun!!! We are working on a spring catalog right now for Jessiegirlclothing and I can't wait for it to go to print. I love seeing all the beautiful clothing diplayed with such energy on the little girlies.
Friday, February 11, 2011
In less than 6 weeks spring will be here and I just cannot wait!!! I love to be outdoors going for a walk and playing with my girls. I have been spending alot of time in the studio getting ready for some spring catalog shots lately, I will be sure to post some sneak peeks. I have been posting pics on Facebook - under the Kimberly V Photography page. Check them out and leave some feedback. :) I will write more later, snuggle request is coming in...
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
I think I need to send a special prize to Catherine for all her wonderful suggestions on location ideas. That was a lot of work to come up with all those creative ideas and to type that up. Will you send me your address so I can send you a goodie???? Thanks for all the LOVE!!! Spring is coming!!!! Next month!!!!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Jessiegirlclothing Spring 2011
Today was a fun day at the diner. I packed up 4 girls along with lots of shoes, accessories and jewerly. We headed out of town to our favorite diner for some spring pictures. Today we were shooting the new spring line for Jessiegirlclothing. She added some really fun new bright colors and fabrics. I LOVE owls and was thrilled to see she added some to her new line and a matching one for our American Girl dolls (compliments of Uncle Matt). It was quite a scene at the diner as we take the place over with all of our "stuff" and all the little ladies running around saying "when do we get our malts". Oh my it was craziness. Poor little Naomi got overwhelmed and had an absolute meltdown. We were able to turn things around with a little ice-cream and got a few pics at the end. We are planning to get out and do some more when there is not so much chaos to throw her off. Thankfully my good friend Carollynn came to get her to smile by doing all her silly things behind my back (literally). We have a new model in the bunch, her name is Natalie. She is so kind and was wonderful to work with. Hopefully we didn't scare her off by all our nutiness. I posted the pics from todays shoot on my Facebok - become a fan and check them out. I would LOVE your feedback. Enjoy!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Spring 2011
As I'm snuggling in bed with Naomi the wind chill outside is 30 degrees below 0 and I am starting to think about spring!!! It can only stay this cold for so long right? We are gearing up to photograph some new spring lines this year and I'm so excited as the mailman comes each day with the beautiful new clothing. We have gotton quite creative over the past year with fun places to shoot indoors - hair salon, laundry mat, diner, etc. I would love to come up with some new fun places and some input would be awesome!! Can any of you think of a fun place to shoot some pics indoors? I need to have some light coming in so a window would be great. Please post on the blog or Facebook if you have any ideas. I am thinking I should do some kind of contest for the most creative place or where we shoot the new pieces. Something for FREE!!!!!!! Yippee!!!!!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Miss Amelia
I just can't believe it - Miss Amelia is 6 months old already!! Wow, where did that go? We have been having so much fun lately reading books, playing with her new toys from Christmas and doing LOTS of snuggling. I love this time of year because I get a little break and enjoy spending time with my girlies. I don't feel guilty laying down them and taking a nap. Recently Amelia enjoyed sledding in the backyard for the first time. I can't believe she didn't cry after feeling that cold breeze on her face. She was in amazement watching her big sisters building big snowman for her to see. She is such a content little princess and loves her daddy so very much!!! It's awesome to see such a close bond between the two of them. Although, I must admit I do get a big jealous sometimes. :) I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Sweet Funky Vintage

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